United States - On-Site Training
On-site classes in the United States can be arranged for groups.
Len Schwer
Foreign LS-DYNA Distributors
On-site classes at foreign LS-DYNA distributors can be arranged by contacting your distributor.
Proposed classes and schedules will be posted here as they are arranged.
DYNAmore Offices, Stuttgart, Germany
30 September - 1 October 2021 - Concrete & Geomaterial Modeling (Len)
4 October 2021 - Explosives Modeling for Engineers
7 - 8 October 2021 - Methods and Modeling Techniques: Prerequsite for Blast and Penetration Classes
11 - 12 October 2021 - Blast Modeling with LS-DYNA
13 - 14 October 2020 - Penetration Modeling with LS-DYNA
Maik Schenke