Contributions to LS-DYNA Literature

Material Modeling

Continuous Surface Cap Model for Geomaterial Modeling: A New LS-DYNA Material Type

Effect of Soil Material Models on SPH and MM-ALE Simulations for Soil-Structure Interaction

Optional Strain-Rate Forms for the Johnson Cook Constitutive Model and the Role of the Parameter Epsilon_0

A Brief Look at *MAT_NONLOCAL: A Possible Cure for Erosion Illness?

Strain Rate Induced Strength Enhancement in Concrete: Much ado about Nothing?

The Winfrith Concrete Model : Beauty or Beast ? Insights into the Winfrith Concrete Model


Preliminary Assessment of Non-Lagrangian Methods for Penetration Simulation

Simple Input Concrete Constitutive Models: An Illustration of Brick Wall & Concrete Cylinder Perforation

Perforation of Metal Plates: Laboratory Experiments and Numerical Simulations

Aluminum Plate Perforation: A Comparative Case Study using Lagrange with Erosion, Multi-Material ALE, and Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics


Validation of LS-DYNA MMALE with Blast Experiments

Impact and Detonation of COMP-B: An Example using the LS-DYNA EOS: Ignition and Growth of Reaction in High Explosives

Element Technology

An Assessment of the LS-DYNA Hourglass Formulations via the 3D Patch Test

LS-DYNA Beam Elements: Default and User Defined Cross Section Integration


A Validation Case Study: Steel Billet Drop Tests and Simulations as Reported in NUREG/CR-6608